2014年1月30日,蓝盾信息安全技术股份有限公司BD-ASPAM产品通过IPv6 Ready第二阶段核心协议金牌认证,获得标识编号为02-C-001133,这标志着该产品在IPv6一致性及互联互通方面 符合IETF IPv6相关 RFC标准,可进行商业部署。
2013年全球新增IPv6 Ready第二阶段核心协议金牌认证产品100余款。
截止到目前,国内共有200余款产品获得IPv6 Ready第二阶段核心协议金牌认证。
Logo ID:02-C-001133
BD-ASPAM is an anti-spam,anti-virus mail, intelligent mail filter and backup product,with a powerful e-mail security and filtering capabilities.The system is not only able to accurately block spam,but also partly perform as an anti-virus gateway role. The system has fingerprint identification filtering,active probes group, Chinese-based Bayesian filtering,dynamic blacklist,those advanced filtering techniques construct a highly intelligent,automated spam defense system.In terms of performance,the system greatly improves the system's filtration rate and concurrent processing capability with the kernel-level filtering and fast channel technology, which enables the system to fully meet the large mail service providers'performance requirements。